Deutsche Edition 1
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Study Aid Card File (c)
Written by James B. Parks
The idea for this program came from a study method that I used in college
to memorize questions and answers for tests. This method has been expanded
so that almost anyone who needs to organize small blocks of data, such as
can be done with a 3X5 card file system can do so. This file system is in
fact exactly like having an electronic 3X5 card system with a few twists!
You can create cardfiles, delete cardfiles, add cards, delete cards,search
for specific cards and even print a card or a whole range of cards. I felt
memory usage was very important so each card only takes up as much memory
as it needs to. This method allowed me to use a test card file of over 1000
cards on a 512k machine! You will however, find that word searches and the
like will slow down with very large card files that have cards that are full
of data. This program is written in AmigaBasic but don't be fooled, it's easy
to use and is relatively well thought out (but you'll be the judge of that!).
To use the memory features of the program refer to the 'STUDY AID' portion of
this doc file. And now down to business:
This program is offered as SHAREWARE. It may be given to anyone and
anyone may use it. You can do any thing you want with it EXCEPT sell
it! The one exception is public domain disks which sell for $10 or
less. Please include this doc file with any distrubution and keep it
in this Arc'ed file format. If per chance you find this program of any
value please send $15 to:
James B. Parks
5450 W. 102nd Place
Broomfield, Co. 80020
This is version 1.0 of the Study Aid Cardfile. Version 2.0 is now in
the works! Version 2.0 will be in non list protected format and
Improvements include:
1) A full blown card editor!
2) Ability to move cards from one cardfile to another!
3) Deep search capabilities!
4) User defined memorization feature!
5) More!
All users who register by sending the requested $15 will recieve in
the mail the completed version 2.0 on a brand new 3.5" disk,postpaid!
What a deal! Could you ask for anything more? Well OK, how about this
you get version 2.0 AND a nice little time waster, an original game
written by this programmer (yes in AmigaBasic) that will appeal to all
of you ruthless types! Now for the bad news. Version 2.0 will not be
posted in the "great public domain". Only registerd owners of version
1.0 will get the upgrade. I WILL support this program so send any
comments and questions to:
James B. Parks
IMPORTANT: This arc file contains the following files:
Version 1.0 - The main program
Version 1.0.info - guess
DEFAULTS - MUST be in same directory as Version 1.0
CARDFILES - MUST be on same disk as example card files
Study.doc - your reading it!
Scriptures Verses - example card file
Trivia - example card file
Renamer - Execute this one to rename de-arced files.
This program is written in AmigaBasic. An Icon is included so just
make sure that AmigaBasic is in the root directory of the disk you run from.
The file CARDFILES is an index file that keeps track of all the card
files on any particular disk. This file will be automaticlly added to a new
data disk when you begin to actually set up cardfiles for your own use. One
thing to keep in mind is that you should never manipulate card files outside
of the main program itself. In other words use the program to delete card files
and to create card files, don't use dos or the workbench.
The file DEFAULTS carries the user 'preferences' and should be located
in the same directory as the main program. If it's not you will start out with
an error message and then you'll think I did something wrong!
The program is menu and mouse driven and also supports function keys.
The easiest way to learn to use it is to Open one of the example card files and
start playing around. To use the mouse to move through a card file just use the
SHOW selection under the 'Defaults' menu,this will bring up a gadget box on the
left of the screen. What follows is an item by item explaination of the Menus:
Open - This selection will display all the existing cardfiles on the
disk in the data drive. Just select the number of the cardfile
you wish to open.
New - This selection will create a new cardfile.You will be asked to
supply a filename for it. The program will detect duplicate
filenames, if you should make that mistake. However the program
only knows about the files that are listed in the Index file
CARDFILES. If you have any other files on the disk that have
the same name as the one you specify you run the risk of over
writing it, so be WARNED use a disk that has only cardfiles
on it!
Quit- Quits the program and returns you to the System.
Delete- This selection will present you with a list of the cardfiles.
Simply select the number of the cardfile you wish to delete.
You need not 'Open' a cardfile to delete it.
Info - The PLEA: again; (just in case you lose this doc)
Add - This selection allows you to add your own cards to the cardfile.
There are 3 parts to every card:
1) The Topic (30 chars max) 1 line
2) The Front (100 chars max) 2 lines
3) The Back (550 chars max) 11 lines
The Topic and the Front of the card will be displayed on the
front side of the card. The two line front will also be shown
at the bottom of the screen when the back side of the card is
being displayed.
NOTE: I realize that the card 'Editor' is crude, but it is very
simple to use. Simply type to enter letters and use the back-
space key to delete letters! Use <RETURN> to move to the start
of the next line, keep in mind however, that each return 'Pads'
the rest of the line with blank spaces so be sure to use <ESC>
when you are finished typing information on the card.
CHARACTER WRAP: The card Editor has built in character wrap
if your not worried how your words are split you can just
type without ever hitting return to go to the next line. A
'bell' is also included for those who are more interested in
how the card looks.
AUTO CENTERING: The Topic will automatically be centered on
the front side of the card. The Front and Back will also be
centered if they are less than 50 characters each. Auto-
centering will NOT occur if you have padded the rest of a
short line by striking <RETURN> instead of <ESC> when you
are finished typing.
You will soon discover that you have the ability to add cards
and delete cards from a card file,however you cannot change
an existing card. An 'Edit' feature is now being added to the
Version 2.0 upgrade with a full featured card editor which will
include auto WORD wrap if desired.
Delete- Will delete the card you are now viewing, if you wish.
Print - Brings up the 'CARDFILE PRINT UTILITY'. play around with this!
Show/Hide - Displays or Hides the Gadget Box for mouse use of the
Change - Allows you to change parameters for:
1)Autoload feature- Will load a specific cardfile on
program startup.
2)Autosave feature- See STUDY AID section at end of
this doc.
3)Data Drive - This can be any leagal Drive such as
'Df1:".This is set at ":" ,which is the root directory
of the disk the program is on. This MUST be changed if
you are going to put your cardfiles on another disk.
Save - Use this seletion at any time to save the current defaults
which include ink color,card color,sound on etc.
By Topic - This will find the NEXT occurence of the topic you
specifiy. You must spell the topic correctly, how-
ever upper or lower case is not important.
By Pattern - Searches The FRONT of the card only, for the ONE word
pattern you specifiy. You can therfore use the front
2 lines of a card as keywords in searches. I suggest
using only one or two words for keywords to cut down
on search time. This search also finds the NEXT occ-
urence of the pattern, and is not case dependent,how-
ever its is punctuation dependent ie:
Using the pattern "sea" would stop at the word
"Seaside" but not ",Seaside" and would not stop
at the word "Southseas". Get it?
Card Number - Simply displays any card number you specifiy.
The STUDY AID feature of this program is simply a means to learn
and possibly memorize individual cards through the best known learning
tool; REPITITION! Heres the Idea:
The COUNT feature and the AUTOSAVE work in conjunction to
enable you to study for example a master cardfile called
"School Work". Which would have cards with TOPICS such as
Math, Science, English etc. Each of the cards in the file
would have a question on the Front relating to the cards
topic. The answer would of course be on the back of the card.
During each "memory session",with the AUTOSAVE feature ON the
card that was just "memorized" would be AUTOMATICLY saved or
added to a cardfile with that cards TOPIC as the cardfiles
name.If there is no topic on the card it will be saved to a
cardfile named "GENERAL". You can then later review these card
files for a test or whatever. AUTOSAVE will NOT work if the
topic of the card is the same as the name of the card file it
If you dont want this to happen, always keep the AUTOSAVE off
(by using Change under the Defaults menu).
With the COUNTS on the upper right corner of the screen will show the
word" COUNTS:0". This counter will count from 0 to 100. One count every
time the <RETURN> key is pressed. At intervals during the study process
the next card will automaticlly be displayed according to the following
FIRST CARD - 1 repetition(saved if AUTOSAVE is ON)
SECOND CARD - 5 reps
THIRD CARD - 10 reps
FOURTH CARD - 15 reps
FIFTH CARD - 20 reps
SIXTH CARD - 25 reps
SEVENTH - 25 reps
This means that each card will have been repeated 100 times over a 7 session
period.You must keep adding cards to the master file as it will lose a card
at the begining of each memory session. You can suspend the counting process
at any time by simply not striking <RETURN> or by clicking on the COUNT gadget
or hitting F5. F5 and the COUNT gadget are both toggles.REMEMBER TO ALWAYS
How do you start to use the memory feature? Probably the best way is to do
it manually. Start with the SEVENTH CARD in the file and reverse the number
of repetitions until you are ready to begin using the AUTOSAVE and COUNTS
features together.